Robotic Surgery (Minimally Invasive Surgery)

Robotic-assisted surgery is a leading edge minimally invasive technology. With high-definition, magnified 3-D images and multi-jointed robotic instruments with high level of dexterity, the precision of robotic technology is ideal for delicate and complex urologic surgeries. At Hong Kong Urology Clinic, our urologists offer minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery for a number of urological diseases and conditions including:

  • Prostate cancer: radical prostatectomy
  • Kidney cancer: partial nephrectomy
  • Kidney obstruction: pyeloplasty, ureteroureterostomy
  • Bladder cancer: radical cystectomy
  • Ureter and bladder reconstruction: ureteric reimplantation, psoas hitch, augmentation cystoplasty
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