Patient is asked to pass urine onto a collecting device and the rate of urine flow will be measured. This measures how urine flows out of the bladder and is a simple and basic test to screen for urinary bladder and sphincter malfunction. This can be conveniently performed in the office with minimal preparation.
2.Post-void bladder volumes
After urination, only a small amount of urine should be left in the bladder. Some disease conditions, such as prostate enlargement, urethral narrowing, abnormal urinary habits, prevents completely emptying. Using ultrasound to measure bladder volumes, with or without uroflowmetry, is often an integral part of urinary function evaluation.
In order to understand bladder storage and emptying ability, cystometrogram becomes an indispensable tool. It gives information regarding, storage pressures, abnormal contractions, voiding pressures and abnormal voiding behavior.
This term is given to cystometrogram with continuous X-ray monitoring capability. In addition to the information one can collect from a complex cystometrogram, one can observe bladder shape, urinary reflux, urinary leakage and bladder neck positions in relation to bladder volumes, pressure and urinary status.