Ultrasound Scan

Ultrasound scanning is a non-invasive imaging technology widely used in medical diagnosis. It uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of internal body structures and is particularly suitable for examining the health of organs, tissues and the fetus. The procedure for an ultrasound scan is relatively simple and usually requires no special preparation.

  • Kidneys: Assess the size of the kidneys, any presence of hydronephrosis, any presence of solid or cystic masses, presence of stones etc.Ÿ
  • Ureters: Assess whether the ureters are abnormally dilated or the presence of stones
  • Bladder: Assess the amount of urine before and after micturtion, presence of stones or abnormal masses.
  • Prostate: Assess the size of the prostate and detect the presence of abnormal nodules
超聲波掃描 1
超聲波掃描 2